Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer roadtrips!

I love Summer in New England. Warm sunny days, the skies full of fluffy clouds, all the flowers and trees. Despite my allergies, I can't get enough of the outdoors in the warmer months. Trips to lakes, rivers, forests and long road trips with scenic drives are always my favorite activities. And of course I always have my camera with me to capture moments and memories made. So let's take a road trip, I call shotgun!
Shades: Check
Cute little Princess Leia buns: Check
So let's call up a couple of friends to join us!

Annnnnnd we're off!
There's nothing better than an adventure with friends. Exploring new places and discovering some beautiful scenery. I learn so much about local history and get some fantastic photos along the way...
Stand in my shoes for a moment. Smell the fresh cut grass and clean mountain air. Take just a moment to enjoy this peaceful afternoon with me.

I can't even express to you how amazingly beautiful New England is to me. I can only hope that I capture it in a way that shows my appreciation of it.

What excites me about a road trip is all of the surprises along the journey. Like the perfect horse and scenery photo for my daughter who is obsessed with horses.

And giant red headed bulls.
And covered bridges over a rippling river.
We've found ourselves at the summit of Mt. Greylock and it feels like we're on top of the world!

And it looks like it too.

Don't you just want to peek inside the shack to see what's inside?

I hope you've enjoyed our road trip through parts of New Hampshire, Connecticut and Vermont. And before we head home, let's head to the lake to catch the sunset!

We'll sit on the dock and watch the colors change from orange to pink while we talk and laugh about road trips of the past and of the future. A big thank you to Sean, my road trip partner and the love of my life.  For choosing to take the great journey of life with me. I love you more now, after more than nine years together than I ever imagined possible.
I'm so thankful for all the memories we've made as a family and as a couple. And I'm so excited to see where our journey will take us, and the memories we'll have made in another nine years. Where my children will be in their own journeys, what I'll be doing with my photography.. We've got happily ever after written all over us. I just know it...

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