Monday, February 27, 2012

My covered bridge obsession

One of the things that I love the most about living in New England, is that I get to indulge my obsession with covered bridges. New England has more than her fair share of beautiful covered bridges, both new and centuries old. I love going for a nice long Sunday drive with my love and coming across one that I've never visited or photographed before. I was especially excited to find this one last Sunday on a random drive through the back roads and scenic byways of New Hampshire.

Built in 2011, it spans a small (now partially frozen) pond and waterfall. I can't wait to see what this lovely little gem looks like in the Fall with all of the bright foliage on display!

It looks like they're planting some grass on the small hillside, I'm looking forward to revisiting this bridge in the upcoming seasons. Maybe I'll do a side by side after I collect shots from all four seasons. Something to look forward to!
I can imagine children ice skating on the little pond, a light snow falling, a thermos full of hot chocolate to keep warm...

And just take a look at those gorgeous beams! I'm so glad we happened along this beautiful new covered bridge. I'll have to gather up some other covered bridges I've captured in seasons' past and put together a whole post of various bridges.

It was such a beautiful cloudless day. The kind of day that still has a chill to it, and the wind comes in gusts and gales. But the kind of day that reminds you that Spring is absolutely on it's way... Early flowers will soon be erupting from the ground. And the trees will start to grow their first pale green leaves...
I would love to do some portraits here... So many photographs pop into my head!! Time to recruit some friends to model for me!
This is going to be a perfect place to pic-nic with the kids once the weather warms up.
I hope you enjoyed seeing one of the many covered bridges that brighten the New Hampshire landscape. I'm glad I could bring it to you!

We had a late Winter snow storm the day after I posted this blog and I wish I had waited! I didn't want to wait for another blog entry to share these amazing snow covered views of the bridge! This will be a double post as far as photos are concerned, but I don't think you'll mind.

Picture perfect landscape, yes? My son and I had to trudge through over a foot of powdery, but COLD new snow to get from the parking lot to the actual bridge. The things I'll do for gorgeous photos.

The frozen pond and trees just look so dreamy and fairy tale like....

I couldn't get enough of this small little covered bridge. Doesn't it give you the feeling that you're going to come across a Wintery faery with blue and white feathery wings and icy sparkly blue make-up! I smell a photo shoot involving this location!

Who wouldn't want to put on their ear flap hat, grab a thermos of hot cocoa and just enjoy this beautiful spot for awhile?

I know this was a bit of a long post with the extra photos, but I knew these were worthy of addition!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


So I've become somewhat obsessed with the editing process of layering my photos to make them look like old retro photographs. I just love the "feel" of them after editing them with this technique. The soul of them. I hope you enjoy them too! I have a BUNCH to show you, so I'll keep the stories to a minimum.

Pink Tulip
Old church
Tarot cards
Boarding the USS Friendship in Salem Harbor
A friend's terrier named Shelby
Train tracks
Kissing horses
Country life
Mariner's widow
Old brick building
Chasing birds
Nuzzled up
Searles Castle
Wedding decorations
White and purple daisies
Loki Clan wolf dog refuge
Old church
Nature's boquet

I like the idea that I can change the whole mood of a photograph just by layering some colors to make it appear older. How do they make you feel? Which ones drew you in and told you a little story?