Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mother's day butterflies with my daughter

I thought I would share some of the photos I took on the wonderful Mother's day outing to The butterfly place with my daughter. There were so many species of butterflies and moths, and we were lucky enough to have several land on us! 

A swallowtail landed on her hand and then climbed up her arm... I actually really love the whole series of photos I took of that happening. 

How awesome is that?? We had a wonderful time amongst the butterflies... How about a look at a few of the varieties we saw?

One of me taken by my daughter... With my favorite butterfly. <3

        What a wonderful way to spend Mother's day... 
Thank you for enjoying ours with us.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spring scenery at an Italian garden

I'd love to bring you to one of my favorite parks. It's home to a gorgeous sunken Italian garden. And although the roses aren't in bloom yet, there was so much of an explosion of pinks, whites, greens and reds, that I couldn't stop snapping one shot after another.

Pink petals carpet the brick walkways, and lions keep watch over the rose garden. I can't even describe to you how sweet and Spring-time fresh the air smells. I sat on several of the stone benches and just really enjoyed the moment... I listened to birds, I walked on petal covered paths in my bare feet, I snapped portraits of my kids and scenic shots to share with you.  
I really couldn't have asked for a more perfect Spring day. High 60's, slight breeze, blue skies and wispy clouds... It's like Mother Nature knew that I was in need and happily obliged.

I love the herringbone brickwork. So much detail in the little things.... Let's take a closer look at that bench, shall we?
The angels on the arm rests remind me of the maiden heads on a ship. Incredible craftsmanship and painstaking amounts of time were spent on this.
The paths seem to wind their way around the property in a fluid way that always brings you back to the garden. Let's meander a bit and take a look at the "bigger picture".

The roses aren't in bloom yet, but you can imagine all of the pinks, reds, whites and yellows that come to life in the Summer sun. I'll revisit and share those with you when their time comes to bloom.
I know you're dying to get a closer look at those handsome lions standing guard over the garden...
And who could blame you? They're so beautiful in person, I can only hope that I've captured a little of it for you.
You know I couldn't resist taking a dozen shots of my daughter here on the bench with the poofy pink blossoms in the background, and the harbor in the distance.
Roman pillars... This little area was FILLED with bird's nests in the ceilings. Small sparrows it appeared.
Looking across the garden at the falconer statue and the sea beyond, I'm thankful for history. And warm Spring days. And sweet smelling breezes....
I'm even thankful for sunspots that you think may "ruin" your shot... It brings a warmth and a beauty and a feel that wouldn't have existed otherwise...

Leaving the garden, I find a beautiful bouquet of Spring colors to bid you farewell with... I'll update with more Spring adventures soon!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Well hello again, all! I have so many random Spring photos to share with you all, we've had plenty of sunshine mixed in with all the Spring showers we've had. And since today is a dizzly, blustery day, I decided to updae the blog!
On a walk in the woods, we found a TON of acorns. Big fat squirrels kept scurrying around chattering at us when we'd stop to admire a pile of their spent acorn shells.
When we came to a small pond I almost scared away the gorgeous blue heron sharng it with the geese! Isn't he a handsome guy? And everywhere you look, along the many rock walls that spring up from the ground here in New England, there are various daffodils all shooting up and bringing some color to the landscape.
We stopped by a friend's house to visit with their horses... It's a favorite pit-stop for the kids!
And... for me. Growing up in the country and having horses as a child leads to a life-long love...
And nothing says Spring like tiny buttercups in a field... I will admit, I look forward to the first time of the year when I can take my shoes off and walk barefoot in the grass. Feeling warm sunshine on my face and the soft grass under my feet feels like Mother Nature reminding me that the frozen winter is over and everything is coming back to life!
Is there anything that just SCREAMS Spring to you? What little nuance lets you know that warmer days are here to stay and it's probably safe to put away those wnter coats and hats?
One of the first things I seem to notice are the trees leaves beginning to bud. Even before the flowers sprout and the first blossoms arrive. The leaves pop out of the branches and begin to grow the canopy that shades us on the hottest Summer days to come.
I hope there are signs of Springs where you are too... Or that you can enjoy the signs here in my New England from wherever you are!

But just in case you needed a smile today, I've got the perfect one to share! Remember those horses I visit with?? Well, I was given the best smile from him before we left! I actually snapped a whole series of him "laughing" and smiling at me that I can't resist sharing with you. So... I'll just say Smile!!! It increases your "face" value!
No seriously...

I said SMILE!!
Ok, maybe not SO smily. Happy medium?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring has sprung!

We've had some unseasonably warm weather here in New England, and you know what that means... Spring flowers are starting to blossom and bloom! I took some really nice shots of some magnolia tree blossoms, some hyacinths, and captured some early Spring adventures.
Magnolia blossoms seem almost magical to me. They start out a cone-shaped bud almost like a tulip or a crocus. And then explode into pinkish-white flowers the size of my hand. Slowly each petal will drop off leaving a carpet of pinkish petals to cushion your steps.
I love the blending of color from dark blush to the palest of pink white.
And I love unknowingly walking past a blooming hyacinth and smelling that sweet perfumed flower fill the air. I absolutely LOVE the scent of hyacinths. It's one of my favorite flowers to plant under a bedroom window. Can you imagine waking up to that glorious scent every morning?
How in the world flowers so tiny can produce such a rich, heady aroma is just beyond me.
I used to think that forsythia were my allergy enemy. But a friend shared with me that it's one of the least pollen producing plants around, so now I'm not afraid to get up close and personal with what I once thought of as "The yellow bush of death".
Let's take a closer look at one of the hyacinths in full bloom, shall we?
See the little droplets of water on the petals? The skies decided to give me a little Spring mist as I wandered around capturing the shades of pink and the varying stages of bloom.
How perfect can a tiny little bud be?? Popping out of it's fuzzy exterior to be kissed by the rays of the sun... The tiny little fuzzy buds look almost like pussy willows before they explode into colorful tulip shaped buds.
Even an overcast, grey day is a great day to be at the park when there's a warm breeze and blossoms about! I have so many more photos to share with you, I'll keep this post a bit short and prepare to show you some more of Spring in New England!

As a P.S. to this post, today's my son's 17th birthday. Hardly seems possible that someone who was once so tiny, has grown so quickly into a wonderful young man. Happy birthday, son. I love you more than words can express. And I look forward to capturing all the moments of your journey. Follow your own path, follow your heart, follow your dreams...